Organization of Spiritual Development Workshops
With a core focus on meditation, Spiritual workshops are conducted several times a year, graced by the presence of Swamiji’s spiritual heirs of the Dhyanayog branch of the Nath Sampraday (sect). The idea is to help like-minded seekers understand the intricacies of meditation, provide a conducive environment for practicing their sadhana and help one understand how Karma (Work), Dhyan (Meditation), Bhakti (Devotion) and Dynan (Knowledge) go hand in hand.
These workshops focus on “upasana” i.e. spiritual practices that are very scientific in nature aimed towards taking away any untoward mysticism while helping the seeker build a strong fundamental understanding of the exact process of meditation, while at the same time there are sessions to stimulate the intellect into critical thinking.
Usually workshops are carried out once every 2 months throughout the year. The charges are nominal, just covering bare minimum expenses of food and accommodation; and focus on helping the organization, which is completely volunteer driven. The Ashram and its surroundings have capacity to accommodate between 60 – 100 residential sadhaks at any given time.
Transport arrangements are made by Swaroopyog upon registration and there is a full fledge staffed kitchen that caters to all food requirements during these workshops. All volunteers who would like to offer their “seva” are most welcome and there is ample space and opportunity where they can help.
All participants are welcome to stay overnight or can stay for the day only as per their convenience and prior registration. The premises are large, in the middle of nature and envisioned and built solely for the purpose of dhyan sadhana for the genuine seeker, so any other activity besides “sadhana” is not encouraged or entertained on the premises.
Focus on Youth Development (Yuva and Bal Shibirs)
Swaroopyog pratishthan conducts workshops for kids and young adults around 3-4 times a year,. These are focused on spiritual and physical activities, helping build a good foundation for sadhana through meditation and also include very interesting activities like trekking to nearby forts, fitness games, demonstrations around traditional weapons, coins, snakes and many other interesting topics.
The entire foundation is built on spiritual development and helping understand how a positive and progressive environment can be created around oneself from a very young age allowing bright minds to soar the skies and reach divine heights.
These workshops are announced for both kids and parents alike. Kids also get to present on different topics, make many new friends and build a strong understanding of their rich culture, history and most importantly spirituality at an early and developmental age.

Upasana is the key and foundation for one and all
Upasana (prayer) is the essence of everything that we do at Swaroopyog. For the pre-dominantly analytical mind there are discussions and discourses which stimulate their science and reasoning side; for the emotionally driven seeker there is worship of the Lord through prayers, abhangas and devotional dances and for the mind that believes in work there is so much to contribute through “seva” in the ashram. Whatever the nature of the mind, there is so much to learn and take away and understand how one can condition themselves in the right manner through “sadhana” as an on-going process, build upon that foundation for everything and continue to walk the spiritual path in a knowing, alert, scientific and most importantly precise manner.
Swadhyay i.e. Self Study
During workshops seekers are encouraged to participate in group discussions as well as some are encouraged to study and present their understanding on a particular shlok, verse or topic that could be related to patriotism / freedom fighters (rashtriyatva), spirituality (adhyatma) or personality development.
Swamiji has always encouraged all sadhaks to present ‘Swadhyays’ as a part of their self-learning and spiritual practices, by helping them choose a verse or two from one of the central texts like Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, or a question related to meditation or the life works of great freedom fighters or patriots, encouraging them to read on the topic, contemplate, analyze and deduce their own meaning while seeking guidance and then present to other seekers on the topic.
This actively engages the seeker and triggers critical thinking in them, causing them to ask multiple questions, observe their surroundings and own external and internal behaviors and try to inculcate the learnings from the great men, women and saints whose life stories or texts they have studied.
As a part of workshops, sadhaks also get to hear and watch recorded discourses by Swamiji as well as discourses by the heirs of this spiritual tradition. All discourses are focused on providing a scientific approach and logical explanation of the path of self-realization. They draw all inspiration from the fundamental spiritual texts like the Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita, Shrimad Dasbodh, Patanjali Yogsutra and Dyaneshwari and are a tremendous opportunity to develop oneself spiritually.

Other Programs
On several occasions young seekers also present an extraordinary art or play an instrument or perform a classical dance, all as a sadhana or service to God. There are devotional dances organized as well (called Dindi of the warkaris) to express sheer “bhakti and devotion” towards all great Saints and God, as well as group discussions on patriotic or spiritual topics along with related guidance, amongst others.