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शेवटचे पूर्ण वार्तापत्र
Latest Vartapatra Here you can view the full issue of the previous newsletter in PDF format. Swaroopyog vartapatra (newsletter), largely written in Marathi language, was started by Swamiji in the year 1997. Initially circulated monthly, it gradually settled down to its present day quarterly frequency of publication, made available in a hard copy as well […]

युवा संवाद - निवडक प्रश्नोत्तरे
Yuva Samvad Here you will get to ‘swadhyayas presented by young sadhaks under guidance of Swamiji. Most often than not, these are presented in an exuberant language, answering the many questions the young generation face with respect to God and Spirituality. Many beautiful Swadhyayas will continue to be periodically available here for reading.

स्वामींची मनाचे श्लोक लेखमाला
Yog Dnyanpar Manache Shlok Someone once said to Swamiji that “Manache Shlok is something to be done till class 4th… Why even bother to study them later … they are for kids only !” … to this Swamiji immediately replied “Yes sir, you are right! Wakefulness, Dream, Deep Sleep and finally the 4th stage (clasS) […]

स्वामींचे दासबोध लेख
Shrimat Dasbodh Swadhyay Swamiji’s explanation on Dasbodh verses can be read in this article series. Swamiji has selected many special verses from Dasbodh, and he expects all seekers to think deeply about them, their subtle meaning, which has been lucidly elucidated for all Sadhak’s here.

भागवत कथासार
Shrimat Bhagwat Skandh Swamiji’s reflections on Shrimad Bhagwat Purana can be read here. Bhagwat is colored with many beautiful divine stories holding the highest form of spiritual knowledge and Swamiji’s literary works bring out this divinity in its most lucid to the seeker.

स्वामी प्रवचन
Shri Swami Madhavanand Pravachan Swamiji’s discourses on the Bhagavad Gita and Dnaneshwari, can be read here. Through these divine works, the seeker can deep dive into a blissfull literary experience exploring the amazing poetic beauty of Dnyaneshwari, the subtler meanings of the Gita and see how they can be implemented to one’s own lives.

शिबिर गटचर्चा संकलने
Shibir Group Discussion Through several spiritual camps organized by Swaroopyog Pratishthan, Swamiji has always inspired all the seekers to participate in group discussions, where many subtle questions are dealt with, reflected upon and an ideological exchange takes place amongst seekers to arrive at certain fundamental understanding of god, self and spirituality. These dialogues, then, under […]

सरस रामायण कथामालिका
Saras Ramayan The sweetness, beauty, purity, brilliance, sacrifice and spirituality inspired by the divine life led by the great lord Shree Ram can be experienced by the devotees through this collection of articles. The greatness of Ramayan is known throughout the world and yet the innumerous subtleties and spiritual depths in the smallest of actions […]

राष्ट्रपुरुष स्वाध्याय
Rashtrapurush Swadhyay Articles on the life events of great national men in the history of India can be read here. Countless known and unknown revolutionaries, whose sacrifices shaped this country, who preserved its Dharma, who protected it, were born in this land and merged in its bosom, its soil, and became immortal forever. Under the […]