Swaroopyog Pratishthan was established in 1997 by Swami Madhavananda, one of the Spiritual Heirs of the meditation (Dhyanyog) branch of the Nath Sampradaya (the Spiritual Lineage of Shri. Adinath, i.e. Lord Shiva). Our main objective is to convey spirituality and patriotism in their truest form, in a scientific and easy to understand manner to all seekers, while maintaining meditation as the central theme for an individual’s spiritual and personality development.
A deep study of spiritual texts in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, Dnyaneshwari, Dasbodh, Patanjal Yog Sutras, along with biographies & lives of great saints, and freedom fighters such as Veer Savarkar, Lokmanya Tilak and Subhash Chandra Bose to name a few, is carried across various centers in India and abroad.
Please explore the “About Us” section and our complete Website for more information and insights. ||Hari OM||

Swaroopyog conducts multiple spiritual development activities through different centers and a variety of programs, both online and in-person, across several locations in India and US, for seekers of all ages. Special Programs are held to celebrate auspicious festivals like Gurupournima (offering respects to one’s Sadguru),
Ramnavmi (birth of Lord ShriRam), Shri Krishna Janmashtami (Birth of Lord Shri Krishna) and Mahashivaratri (celebrating Lord Shiva or Adinath) which include “sadhana workshops”, “satsang”, meditation, singing of & discourses on devotional songs, name chanting and discourses guiding and motivating seekers on the path of self-realization.
We conduct Youth Centers across India and US, where many young seekers participate, and are encouraged to carry out self-study, presentations and discussions on several topics related to life and spirituality. Primary focus is to build a strong understanding amongst youth around meditation and patriotism through Self-study on Bhagwat Gita and Dasbodh, Group Discussions and presentations about great personalities of India.
Then there are multiple Meditation Centers, online as well as in-person which focus on helping one understand the process of meditation through Swamiji’s pre or post meditations discourses, starting with fundamentals around the correct posture, creating a good external and internal environment for the seeker and gradually exploring the depths of meditation.
Swaroopyog also runs a Bal-Kishor kendra online (which is also expected to resume offline in Pune) for kids and young adults, focusing on imparting value education, through their active participation. The primary focus is on Omkar Dhyan Upasana and character building through different fun activities like storytelling, reciting hymns, classical dances, playing musical instruments and physical fitness. A key focus area is presentations on Great Personalities (great saints and freedom fighters) who protected and enriched the culture and land of Bharat, bringing our true history to light.
Additionally, there are multiple workshops (Shibirs) held round the year at the Swaroopayogashram, located amongst the lush green valley of the Sahyadri ranges in Dongargaon, Pune. These are one or two day resident or nonresident workshops busy with multiple activities throughout the day, all centered around building clarity and practicing the central path of self-realization.
Please visit the Programs and Ashram pages of this website to know more.

Swaroopyog Pratishthan
Marathi and other language books written by Swami Madhavananda
Marathi and other language books elucidating deep inner meaning of ShreemadBhagvadgeeta chapters –
- धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे – First chapter (Marathi, Hindi, English)
- सत्- बुद्धियोग – Second chapter
- कर्मयोग – Third chapter
- धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय – Fourth chapter
- कर्म-ज्ञानयोग – Fifth chapter
- ध्यानयोग, जीव-शिवाचा संयोग – Sixth chapter
- श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता नित्यपाठ – Select 125 verses of ShreemadBhagvadgeeta with meaning and commentary (Marathi, English)
Explanatory books on literature of various saints
- परमामृत चिंतन – Elucidation on some verses of the first-ever book in Marathi – ‘Paramamrut’, by the first Marathi poet Mukundaraj
- दिव्यत्वाचा संस्पर्श – Book depicting the divine beauty of life and poetry of Saint Tukaram
- The Divine Touch – English translation of the above book
- श्रीगजानन विजय भक्तिरसास्वाद- Book based on Shree Gajanan Vijay, spiritual interpretation of various incidents in the life of Shree Gajanan Maharaj
- अमृतधारा- Explanatory book on ‘Amrutdhara’ – a poetry book by Swami Swaroopanand, Pawas
Books on spirituality and Divine Lives through stories
- स-रस रामायण – भाग १ – Balkanda, Ayodhyakanda (childhood and youth of Shree Rama) with interesting stories
- स-रस रामायण – भाग २ – Aranyakanda, Kishkindhakanda and Sundarkanda (Shree Rama going to the forest, Seeta’s abduction by Ravan and Hanumant going to Lanka in search of Seeta) with interesting stories
- भगवान श्रीगोपालकृष्णांच्या बालक्रीडा – stories of the divine childhood of Bhagvan Shree Gopalkrishna
- स्वानंदाचा कंद – Articles on the memories of Swami Swaroopanand
Books with guidelines on different forms of worship
- ध्यानयोग- Science of Meditation explained with Ashtang Yog (Marathi, Hindi)
- Science of Meditation – Translation of the above book (English)
- ॐ केशवाय नमः – Meaning of the 24 names of Lord Vishnu and Gayatri Mantra which are recited daily by people while doing Sandhya
- Sun Salutation Yoga – A practical handbook on “Surya Namaskar” and daily worship (English, Marathi)
- संस्कारप्रदीपिका – Book useful for daily worship (Marathi, English)
- ध्यानयोग प्रक्रिया – A complete poetic description of the process of Meditation
- स्वरूपयोगश्रमातील दैनंदिन उपासना – Complete handbook of the daily worship to be followed at the Swaroopyogashram, Girivan
- तेणे योगसार दिले मज – Discourses on Swami Swaroopananda’s Yogapara Abhangas
Special elucidations on popular hymns
- श्रीरामरक्षा भावार्थसार – Book explaining spiritual meaning of the hymn Ramraksha (Marathi, Hindi)
- श्रीगणपती अथर्वशीर्ष भावार्थसार – Detailed explanation of hidden meaning of the hymn Shree Ganapati Atharvasheersha (Marathi, English)
- सार्थ श्रीशिवनामावली – Meanings of 108 names of Bhagavan Shankar and stories associated with some of them (Marathi, English)
Some Special Books
- संवाद (भाग १) – Dialog with the Youth – questions of the youth answered in a very scientific and friendly manner (Marathi, Gujarati, English)
- संवाद (भाग २) – Part 2 of the above (Marathi)
- साधक संवाद (भाग १) – Answers to questions by the spiritual practitioners
- माझे स्वामी – Memories of Swami Madhavnath (Spiritual Guru of Swami Madhavanand)
- ‘स्वरूपयोग’ – the quarterly newsletter – helping in character building, inspiring patriotism and expounding on spirituality
Other Books and MP3 Audio CDs
- ‘गीतगीता’ – Book of 53 poems on Bhagvadgeeta by Shri. Narayan Datar
- भावार्थगीता – Audio CD of Bhavartha Geeta written by Swami Swaroopanand along with the original Bhagvadgeeta verses – MP3
- ‘स्वरूप’ स्थ- Short Biography of Swamiji by Dr. Swarnalata Bhishikar
All the books and the CDs are available at the two Pune offices and centers of Swaroopyog in other towns.

Swaroopyog has many spiritual centers in India and America. Their brief information is given below. Study of Meditation, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Dnyaneshwari, Dasbodh and biographies and works of great freedom fighters and Saints are carried out under the guidance of Swamiji (his audio-video discourses) and in person or real-time online discourses by his successors. By reaching out to the respective kendra coordinator you can participate in person or join remotely any center of your choice or proximity and benefit from regular study.
No | Kendra Name | Mode | Venue | Frequency and Timing | Contact | Contact Number |
1 | India – US Global Yuva Kendra | Online | Karvenagar, Pune | Weekly, Sun, 8 – 9 pm IST | Shri. Sagar Sorte | 9890033361 |
2 | Bhandarkar Road Friday Meditation Centre | Mixed | Bhandarkar Road, Pune | Weekly, Fri, 7:30 – 9 pm IST | Shri. Yogesh Kale | 9890447547 |
3 | Tejonidhi Sat Meditation and Satsang | Physical | Karvenagar, Pune | Weekly, Sat 7 am – 8:30 pm IST | Dr. Gajanan Natekar | 9960392705 |
4 | Tejonidhi Sun Morning Upasana | Physical | Karvenagar, Pune | Weekly, Sun, 6 – 8 am IST | Dr. Himanshu Vaze | 020.25652457 |
5 | Online Meditation & AV Discourse | Online | Online | Weekly, Mon, Thur, Fri, 3:30 – 5 pm IST | Sou. Swati Damle | 9930478073 |
6 | Mumbai Kendra | Mixed | Thane, Mumbai | Monthly, last Sat of Month, 5 pm IST | Shri. Akshay Satarkar | 9076614807 |
7 | Kalyan Kendra | Physical | Kalyan, Mumbai | Monthly, Flexible Any Sun, 9 am IST | Shri. Akshay Satarkar | 9076614807 |
8 | Dombivali Kendra | Physical | Dombivali, Mumbai | Monthly, Flexible Any Sun, 9 am IST | Shri. Sunil Khandekar | 9082613717 |
9 | Thane Kendra | Physical | Thane, Mumbai | Weekly, Tue, 5 pm IST | Sou. Lalita Dixit | 9594042017 |
10 | Borivali Kendra | Physical | Borivali, Mumbari | Weekly, Sun, 8 am IST | Shri. Dileep Pitkar | 9769330809 |
11 | Hyderabad Parijat Kendra | Online | Bhagyanagar, Hyderabad | Bi-Weekly, 1st and 3rd Sat, 7 pm IST | Sou. Gauri Kaustubhan | 8886904166 |
12 | Nagpur Dhyan Kendra | Physical | Nagpur | Weekly, Sun, 7 am IST | Shri. Pachpor Sir | 9923513505 |
13 | Nagpur Online Yuva Kendra | Online | Nagpur | Bi-Weekly, 2nd and 4th Sun, 9:30 am IST | Sou. Varsha Awdhut | 9326821283 |
14 | Nagpur Dhyan Kendra | Physical | Nagpur | Weekly, Wed, 6:30 am | Shri. Pachpor Sir | 9923513505 |
15 | Nagpur Bal-Kishor Kendra | Physical | Nagpur | Weekly, Sun, 4 pm | Sou. Kalyani Hingnikar | 7588745854 |
16 | Nagpur Kishor-Yuva Kendra | Physical | Nagpur | Weekly, Sun, 5 pm | Sou. Smita Pimpalkar | 8999218018 |
17 | Nagpur Yuva In-Person Kendra | Physical | Nagpur | Weekly, Wed, 6:30 pm | Shri. Pachpor Sir | 9923513505 |
18 | Nagpur Jyeshtha Sadhak Kendra | Physical | Nagpur | Weekly, Thur, 6:30 pm | Shri. Pachpor Sir | 9923513505 |
19 | Ratnagiri Online Kendra | Online | Ratnagiri | Bi-Weekly, 2nd and 4th Fri, 7:30 pm IST | Sou. Vrushali Nerurkar | 9552541183 |
20 | Banglore Online Kendra | Online | Banglore | Bi-Weekly, 1st and 3rd Sun, 5 pm IST | Sou. Vinaya Paranjape | 9845116941 |
21 | Sangli Online Kendra | Online | Sangli | Bi-Weekly, 2nd and 4th Tue, 8:30 pm IST | Shri. Yogesh Dixit | 9823361180 |
22 | Sangli Kendra – Apte Kaka Ghar | Physical | Sangli | Weekly, Sat, 4:30 pm IST | Shri. Jayant Apte | 9423267725 |
23 | Sangli Sun Dhyan Kendra | Physical | Sangli | Weekly, Sun, 6:45 am IST | Shri. Jayant Apte | 9423267725 |
24 | US East Coast Online Kendra | Online | USA | Bi-Weekly, 1st and 3rd Sat, 7:30 am EST | Sou. Dipti Wani | +1.551.580 9197 |
25 | US West Coast Online Kendra | Online | USA | Monthly, 2nd Sun, 4 pm PST | Sou. Prachi Bake | +1.518.322 9586 |
26 | US Balkendra | Online | USA | Monthly, 4th Sun, 4 pm PST | Sou. Prachi, Sou. Dipti | +1.518.322 9586 |
27 | Bharat Bal-Kishor Kendra | Online | Karvenagar, Pune | Bi-Weekly, 2nd and 4th Sat, 5 pm IST | Sou. Purva Joshi | +91.9822245403 |

Swaroopyog Pratishthan
Swaroopyog Pratishthan 885/3, Shivajinagar, Street no. 6, Bhandarkar Institute Road, Pune 4. Tel : 020-25652457 (Monday to Saturday, 11am to 4pm)
Tejonidhi Bungalow, Plot No. 45, Alankar Society, Karvenagar, Pune 52. Tel : 020-25441036 (Monday to Saturday, 11am to 6pm)
Email – swaroopyog@gmail.com
Swaroopyog Contact
- Pune, Bibvewadi- Mrs. Suvarna Rekhi 09960520233
- Pimpri-Chinchwad – Mrs. Sangeeta Devasthali – 09922564383
- Kalyan – Shri. Anirudh Jog – 09821278703
- Shri. Abhijeet Barve – 09403226785
- Dombivli – Shri. Sunil Khandekar – 09082613717
- Kolhapur – Mrs. Shobha Deshpande – 09881428948
- Dr. Mrs. Shubhangi Kulkarni 09552592532
- Chiplun – Mrs. Swati Ponkshe – 09423056798 / 02355-250615
- Thane – Mrs. Lalita Dixit – 09594042017
- Mulund – Smt Sangeeta Oak – 09869171552
- Nashik – Shri. Ghanshyam Gaidhani – 09420829300
- Nagpur – Mrs. Varsha Avadhoot – 09326821283
- Shri. Pramod Pachpore – 09923513505
- Mrs. Alka Jog – 09766969725
- Solapur – Shri. Raghunath Kulkarni – 09423535785
- Sangli – Mrs. Smita Kelkar- 09423273849
- Shri. Jayant Apte -09284048397/09423267725
- Ratnagiri – Mrs. Geeta Vaidya – 02352-226202 /09226936551
- Belgaum – Shri. Sudesh Godbole – 09448875342
- Bangalore – Mrs. Vinaya Paranjape – 09845116941
- Hyderabad – Mrs. Kunda Muljakar – 09441156404
- Goa – Mrs. Sarita Kambli – 07350057384
- America – Mrs. Radhika Kulkarni (East coast) + 1(862) -260 – 0810
- Mrs. Yogini Parkhi (West coast) +1(925)-699-4111